Sunday, March 11, 2012

G is for the Gates Foundation


Bill Gates has appointed himself expert on all things education, and since he has so much money to throw at it, people are listening hard.   They are not only listening, they have crafted a national curriculum (that requires the use of computers for standardized testing, could he benefit from that?) and passed laws and regulations related to "improving teacher quality" based on many of his ideas and his foundation's "studies."  (Hey kids--why don't we evaluate teachers using faulty data from standardized testing that's based the old tests we're throwing away and then on the new, yet-to-be-written tests for the untried and unfinished national curriculum?  Great idea, Bill!)

Gates is extremely powerful in the education reform movement, and also extremely dangerous because he does not understand the first thing about education or about how children learn.  He's given huge sums of money to ALEC to help further the corporate reform agenda that is working to dismantle our public schools.  And although he claims to respect teachers, he shows his true feelings about them in an interview he gave about "great teachers" in this statement: "In almost every area of human endeavor, the practice improves over time....That hasn't been the case for teaching." 

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