Table of Contents for the ABCs

This is a working list of the ABCs.  I welcome suggestions and feedback. 
  • A is for ALEC
  • B is for Billionaires Boys' Club
  • C is for Corporate Reform, Charter Schools, and Choice
  • D is for Democrats for Education Reform   
  • E is for Evaluation
  • F is for Friedman's Dream
  • G is for the Gates Foundation 
  • H is for Harlem Success Academy
  • I is for Internet Teaching
  • J is for Joyless Classrooms
  • K is for KIPP 
  • L is for Legislation 
  • M is for Merit Pay
  • N is for Neoliberalism and No Child Left Behind 
  • O is for Obama's educational policies  
  • P is for Political Influence and Propaganda
  • Q is for Queen Michelle Rhee 
  • R is for Race to the Top
  • S is for Standardized Testing 
  • T is for Teach for America and Teacher Bashing 
  • U is for Union-Busting (Students First, etc.)
  • V is for VAM (Value Added Measures) and Venture Philanthropy  
  • W is for Waiting for Superman
  • X is for No eXcuses 
  • Y is for Youth is Cheaper than Experience 
  • Z is for Zaitech for Billionaires?